Quilt Blanket

First of all, we take the quilts to be washed from your address in line with your order. As the first step, we prepared by keeping them in water with herbal chemicals, we ensure that the quilts are both hygienic and their stains are softened. Then we intervene on existing stains. As the last step, we wash your quilts in our special dry cleaning machines. Thus, our Quilt Washing process comes to an end. At the end of the quilt washing process, we throw your quilt into the wringer and purify it from water. After this process, we dry your quilt by taking it to the indoor drying room. Dried quilts are whipped, then perfumed and packaged in closed packaging.

Your quilt, which has been sterilized and hygienic, and whose quilt washing process is completed, is delivered to you by our shipping unit.

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